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Warriors sending James Wiseman to G League is right decision for both parties

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James Wiseman, with nine minutes remaining and the Heroes up by 41, entered Monday night's 132-95 choking of the San Antonio Prods at Pursue Focus to clearly cheers from the home group.

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That may be the last time Heroes fans see him in a Brilliant State uniform for a long while.

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Steve Kerr reported after his group's 37-point triumph that the previous No. 2 in general draft pick will join the Champions' G Association member in St Nick Cruz beginning on Tuesday, rather than joining the Champions for their impending game against the Suns in Phoenix.

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Wiseman likewise will not be making a fast refueling break. He will be with the Ocean Names for an "broadened timeframe," which ought to be a mutual benefit for the two players.

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It won't be one game and bring him back," Kerr said. "We need to give him 10 straight days, something to that effect,

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and afterward return." Wiseman have the opportunity to get acquainted with his new colleagues prior to likely playing in a modest bunch of games.

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St Nick Cruz's straightaway game falls on Saturday against the South Inlet Lakers before two straight street games against the Salt Lake City Stars this next Monday and Tuesday. Nov. 25 is a fascinating date to be aware.

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Brilliant State and St Nick Cruz both will get ready for rounds of their own. Wiseman either will be conflicting with the G Association Touch off at Kaiser Permanente Field or the Utah Jazz at Pursue Center.

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By then, at that point, the Champions will have played six games since Monday night's success over the Prods.

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Before Wiseman met with the media in the Champions' storage space, he and Jordan Poole had an extensive conversation that surpassed five minutes.